Message from the CEO
In the Name of God
Health has always constituted one of the major and most sensitive concerns related to the human quality of life throughout the world. Accordingly, the health system has always been among the major strategic sectors of the industry. As one of the fundamental pillars of the health system, the pharmaceutical system has always been recognized as an important criterion for determining a country’s extent of development, leading the world countries to improve their international status through the development of their capacities in this area. After the glorious Islamic Revolution, the Iranian pharmaceutical industry has been consistently and rapidly moving toward growth and excellence resulting in self-sufficiency in this industry’s value chain in line with the requirements of a resistive economy and the significant active presence by the national pharmaceutical companies in advanced technology areas such as biotechnology and nanotechnology. This is achieved by producing a wide range of raw materials and pharmaceutical products which, in addition to meeting the domestic market needs, prepares the ground for domestic pharmaceuticals to enter the global market. This can, undoubtedly, improve the status of the domestic pharmaceutical industry and health system throughout the region and world.
Health has always constituted one of the major and most sensitive concerns related to the human quality of life throughout the world. Accordingly, the health system has always been among the major strategic sectors of the industry. As one of the fundamental pillars of the health system, the pharmaceutical system has always been recognized as an important criterion for determining a country’s extent of development, leading the world countries to improve their international status through the development of their capacities in this area. After the glorious Islamic Revolution, the Iranian pharmaceutical industry has been consistently and rapidly moving toward growth and excellence resulting in self-sufficiency in this industry’s value chain in line with the requirements of a resistive economy and the significant active presence by the national pharmaceutical companies in advanced technology areas such as biotechnology and nanotechnology. This is achieved by producing a wide range of raw materials and pharmaceutical products which, in addition to meeting the domestic market needs, prepares the ground for domestic pharmaceuticals to enter the global market. This can, undoubtedly, improve the status of the domestic pharmaceutical industry and health system throughout the region and world.